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Pre-Destination was written by the inspiration of God Almighty. 

I was called by God to leave one of my two jobs in 2011 to become a Subway Evangelist. I heeded the call and in the course of my preachings, I discovered that most people don't know that humans are all Eternal Beings. People believe life ends at death, hence they live without thought of the repercussion of sin. Therefore, they will do anything to make money so they can have a prosperous life on earth. Others believe that God has predestined each one to be either poor, rich, destitute and nothing can change that. But this is a lie from hell. GOD created each human to have a glorious destiny, but one can only discover his/her destiny by believing in GOD Almighty through JESUS CHRIST who shed His Blood for mankind. There is no meaningful life outside of GOD! 

However, only the individual can channel the course of their lives because to each, God has given a will (The Power of Choice), to make choices. God does not force anyone to worship HIM. So every one must decide what he or she wants to become in life and where they eventually go after death. being eternal beings. 

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